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The final harvest of souls follows the pattern of the disciples’ last fishing excursion under the command of our Lord. The story recorded in the Gospel of John is full of meaning for today, and it confirms that this year’s harvest is indeed the last harvest before Jesus returns. This concept was explored in 2016 in the article It is the Lord!, so titled for the exclamation of John when he recognized that it was Jesus on the shore of Tiberias (John 21:7) while the disciples were waiting for him at the designated meeting place after His resurrection.
As modern-day disciples were waiting for the two witnesses of Revelation 11 to resurrect, they also heard a voice commanding that the nets be cast once more, thus Harvest News began with its first report on May 11/12, 2020. Will you work as a fisher of men to help bring in the final draught of fishes? Will you exclaim with John, “It is the Lord” who ordered this miracle?
Now that all the delays are over, this last harvest is ready to be gathered in during the times of persecution that are upon us. Our prior investigation of the miracle of the 153 fishes was published in 2016 as an addendum to what the four authors believed would be their final series of articles. Instead, however, they chose to sacrifice their hopes of escape from this world by petitioning the Father for more time to reach God’s children with the message of salvation as God has given it in this generation. A certain amount of time was allotted—and with it an inexhaustible wealth of heavenly light that can pierce even the darkest depths of the soul that is yearning for God.
To finish the new work, four authors have once again written four concluding articles to complete the message that should be given to the world with a loud cry. This time, however, the final miracle of the draught of 153 fishes comes not as an addendum to the article series, but as Harvest News—not an explanation about the harvest, but a report from the harvest of the end of the world! And these fishes will be great ones—trophy fishes—according to the biblical precedent in John 21:11.
Please read the first report, A Kingdom Divided…, to find out how the final harvest began, and subscribe to our Telegram group Alnitak Newsletter free of charge to receive notices of future publications. For your regular study, please take advantage of the coronaGIFT coupon code to access the existing body of knowledge offered in our in-depth reading plans. Best wishes for a bountiful ingathering! Maranatha!
Joseph—also named as one of the twelve heads of the 144,000 of Revelation—was one of the notable interpreters of dreams in the Bible. For the fledging family of Israel, Joseph’s dreams (which resulted in his exile) and the dreams of Pharaoh (warning of the famine) can be seen as divine messages for the salvation of the whole family, upwards of seventy persons. In that way, Joseph was a type for the Savior, and the dreams with which Joseph was involved in his youth and young adult years were prophetic for the end of time.
We are happy to announce publication of the first part of a new series of articles that will expound the meaning that the dreams of Joseph’s generation have for us today. As you read it, you will see how the antitypical “Joseph” (namely Jesus) is offering salvation again today for all those who are hungering for the Word of God in a world that is famished for lack of relevant truth—something you can “eat”—amidst the masquerading propaganda of this crazy world.
Do you know about the young Joseph with the dreams? (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)