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White Cloud Farm

Final Observations


IMPORTANT Attention: although we advocate for freedom of conscience in matters of receiving the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, we do NOT condone violent protests or violence of any kind. We address this topic in the video entitled God’s Instruction for Protesters Today. We advise being peaceful, maintaining a low profile, and complying with the general health rules that are in effect in your area (such as wearing a mask, washing hands, and maintaining prescribed distances) as long as they do not go against God’s laws, while avoiding situations that would require one to get vaccinated. “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (from Matthew 10:16).

Major shifts have taken place in the world in the short time since the publication of The Father has Declared the Time. As a testimony to the veracity of God’s word and its effectiveness in communicating to man what is needful for his salvation, we are making available our final observations—a collection of the refinements and further insights that we received and studied in our Refuge regarding the Father’s declaration, as well as a comprehensive review of the book of Revelation in light of all that has transpired in the past twelve years. May this our song of praise resound to the glory of our heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

The studies were divided into threads, which appear below under their respective headings. Each post is linked as a PDF document for download. The titles of the individual posts were added at the time of publication, along with the brief summary of the content of each of the posts.

Wake Up! Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh!

1. The Oath of God

The Oath of God

The Oath of God was posted in our forum for study on Sabbath, February 19, 2022, as a follow-up study to The Father has Declared the Time. It explored the Father’s oath in more detail, examining a wider range of scriptural evidence, and as a result discerned the time of Christ’s return more precisely.

2. The War Everyone Fears

The War Everyone Fears

The War Everyone Fears was posted for study on February 21, 2022. It presents a dream that unlocks the meaning of Russia’s attack on Ukraine in spiritual terms and revisits another dream from 2019 that foretold the coming of Jesus in symbols that are now confirmed in the heavens. Among the symbols in the dream were a tiger, a bear, a black sheep, and an ostrich, which represent specific nations today.

3. The River from the Throne

The River from the Throne

The River from the Throne was posted for study on February 23, 2022, as a continuation of the previous study, this time elucidating another symbol in the dream with a double meaning: a man in sheep’s clothing riding a white sheep. It offered a glimpse of what the 144,000 look like who understand the voice of God from heaven. It discovered the 12-year covenant of God to save His people from the end of the world.

4. The Oil of the Olive

The Oil of the Olive

The Oil of the Olive was posted for study on February 25, 2022, as another continuation of the preceding two studies, this time discovering the surprising use of the daily rations of spiritual sustenance that were provided by God through His word during the course of this ministry. It revealed how the Red Sea was crossed, envisaged the Son of man sitting on the white cloud, and recounted the miracles of the last “Elijah”. It closed with the fulfillment of a warning that was issued ten years in advance.

Assembling the Puzzle of God

5. Revelation’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Revelation’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Revelation’s Jigsaw Puzzle was posted in our forum for study on February 20, 2022, as an introduction to the topic that would put the last remaining pieces of Revelation’s puzzle into their proper place. It talked about the strategies and the pitfalls of studying the Revelation to “finish the mystery” as stated in Revelation 10.

6. Revelation’s Big Picture

Revelation’s Big Picture

Revelation’s Big Picture was posted on February 22, 2022, to survey the chapters of the book of Revelation to review what has already been understood correctly and identify what pieces of the puzzle still need to be set in place. It showed a little bit of how God has led in the understanding of this amazing book of prophecy that has fulfilled in our day.

7. Putting the Pieces Together

Putting the Pieces Together

Putting the Pieces Together was posted on March 3, 2022, to set several of Revelation’s topics in relation to each other, including the resurrections, the fall of Babylon, the close of probation, and the millennium. Some aspects of the sixth seal and the sixth and seventh plagues are also addressed.

8. Worthy is the Lamb

Worthy is the Lamb

Worthy is the Lamb was posted on March 6, 2022, to reintroduce Uranus as the millennium timekeeper and to show the role of the divine heartbeat for those who are in the heart of God. It reveals when and how the Lamb opens the seventh seal and blows the last trumpet. A water harp closes the message.

9. When Uranus Visits Pisces

When Uranus Visits Pisces

When Uranus Visits Pisces was posted on March 6, 2022, in tandem with Worthy is the Lamb. Uranus figures into this post heavily as it explains in more detail the seventh seal and the meaning of the silence in heaven when it is opened. The sixth and fifth seals are also set in order, as well as the sealing of the bottomless pit.

10. The Golden Ticket

The Golden Ticket

The Golden Ticket was posted on March 11, 2022, to reveal the most comprehensive sign of the coming of the Son of man ever witnessed. It conveys the story of how this sign was discovered, the world context in which it appeared, how it fulfilled dreams from multiple sources concerning it, and offers a springboard for further investigation.

11. A Study of the Cross

A Study of the Cross

A Study of the Cross was posted on March 15, 2022, to examine the sign unveiled in The Golden Ticket and identify key points in time and their meaning. It identifies the cross as the standard of judgment for this world, interprets two of the dreams mentioned in the previous post, and calls to remembrance the Berisheet prophecy in recognition of its fulfillment.

12. The Final Exam

The Final Exam

The Final Exam was posted on March 17, 2022 to examine how the divine calendar confirms the study of the heavenly cross, to explore topics of Satan and the millennium, to share the long-sought interpretation of a key dream scene, and to communicate the depth of the soul-searching questions that one should ask in light of the cross.

13. That Wicked, Revealed

That Wicked, Revealed

That Wicked, Revealed was posted on March 18, 2022. It goes behind enemy lines to perceive the goal that is behind the media’s propaganda and its narrative about the war in Ukraine: to scare the world into submitting to the false Christ. It explains what is between the lines in Pope Francis’ latest catechesis and unveils the deeper meaning of the James Webb Space Telescope, which spoke volumes through the announcement of the completion of an important milestone on the same day.

14. The New World Order

The New World Order

The New World Order was posted on March 22, 2022, to study more deeply the themes of That Wicked, Revealed in light of the Bible, including the deeper meaning of the many notable world events of the week, such as financial clamp downs, the JWST alignment image, Russia’s use of hypersonic missiles, the consecration of Russia to Mary, and the new papal constitution. Bible topics used to shed light on those events include Nimrod’s tower, Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace, the mark of the beast, the plagues, and much more.

15. The Three Secrets of Fátima

The Three Secrets of Fátima

The Three Secrets of Fátima was posted on March 24, 2022, to reveal how these Catholic prophecies of young children (especially the mysterious third secret) are more than you might imagine, and are apparently fulfilling today in alignment with the Bible, foretelling the imminent fate of the churches.

16. Armageddon


Armageddon was posted on March 25, 2022. It interprets the dot on the “i” of the transition from the sixth plague to the seventh and explains how the last trumpet is sounding and how the mystery of God is finished.

The Conquest of Babylon

17. Cut for the Winepress

Cut for the Winepress

Cut for the Winepress was posted on March 30, 2022 as the first part of a series that will reveal the day and hour of the rapture. This first part reveals how the final, biblical prophecies that precede the rapture are illustrated in heaven in light of the cross sign, preparing the way for the time of the rapture to be revealed.

18. The Shepherd’s Staff

The Shepherd’s Staff

The Shepherd’s Staff was posted on April 3, 2022 and explains what happens to the sign of the cross as it comes to an end, how Jesus’ person can now be seen as He draws nearer. It is a message of comfort to those whose faith is in Jesus.

19. In Review: The Wheat Harvest

In Review: The Wheat Harvest

In Review: The Wheat Harvest was posted on April 7, 2022 and takes what we learned with the heavenly fulfillment of the biblical vintage and applies the same principles to the wheat harvest, which took place much earlier. The additional light clarifies the meaning of the biblical prophecy and confirms the method of interpretation.

20. The Heavenly Seal

The Heavenly Seal

The Heavenly Seal was posted on April 9, 2022 to review the heavenly signs after the millennium and share new insights regarding the seal of Philadelphia in light of the cross sign, preparatory to the study of Ezekiel’s Cross.

21. Ezekiel’s Cross

Ezekiel’s Cross

Ezekiel’s Cross was posted on April 12, 2022, to explain the vision of the six men with slaughter weapons and the man in linen. Insights abound as this mysterious prophecy is made plain in the light of the heavens. Those who are “looking up” as our Lord commanded will be enthralled, as was Ezekiel of old, by the glory of the God of Israel and the living beings with wheels under His throne.

22. The Word of All Authority

The Word of All Authority

The Word of All Authority was posted on April 14, 2022, and represents the final word on the entire message of the White Cloud Farm ministry. It is the most all-encompassing and powerful word in the Bible, yet is missing in most translations despite occurring nearly ten thousand times in the Hebrew text! And it points to the great millennial Sabbath and the eternity to follow.

The Red Sea Crossing

23. Crossing Over

Crossing Over

Crossing Over was published on April 18 and shows how Israel’s crossing of the Red Sea as they made their exodus from Egypt was a type for today when God’s people are to come out of Babylon and cross over the final frontier into the heavenly Promised Land. You will see how the heavenly imagery confirms that setting as it illustrates the trumpets that call for the resurrection of the righteous and of the wicked.

24. The Itinerary

The Itinerary

The Itinerary was posted on April 22, 2022, to relay last-minute adjustments to the travel itinerary based on the timeframe in which the Bible describes smoke filling the temple of God, as well as other factors. This post also brings to attention the final Judgment Day on which every soul must stand alone before God—a serious warning to search one’s soul!

25. The Telephone Line

The Telephone Line

The Telephone Line was posted on April 24, 2022 as an urgent warning for every individual to get his life in order with the Lord. It confirms the recent studies we have shared regarding the rapture and calls on the reader to prepare his heart in all humility and trust in the Lord and His shed blood.

26. Ready or Not

Ready or Not

Ready or Not was posted on April 25, 2022 after understanding a confirmation dream about the marking or sealing of God’s people. Do you have your things packed and in order, ready for travel, or will you be frantically trying to get ready when it is too late?

27. Strong Winds

Strong Winds

Strong Winds was posted on April 25, 2022 and examines how “Gog of Magog” has attacked peaceful nations, how he is being turned back, and where he is falling “on the mountains of Israel.” To all God’s people it is a stern warning to search your soul in preparation to meet thy God.

28. Ye Shall Judge Angels

Ye Shall Judge Angels

Ye Shall Judge Angels was posted on April 26, 2022, to interpret a dream of assurance that brings into focus the work of the millennial judgment in heaven in which the sentence of the wicked will be set in preparation for the second resurrection and the final eradication of sin from the universe.

29. Escaping the Quarantine

Escaping the Quarantine

Escaping the Quarantine was published on April 26, 2022, to share a dream that has confirmed the event that has cast the die for nuclear world war. It tells how the children of God escaped before the door of mercy was shut.

30. Standing Before the Lord

Standing Before the Lord

Standing Before the Lord was posted on April 27, 2022, and reports on our early morning service during the sign of the heavenly illustration of the prophecy in Zechariah 3, and the deeper understanding that we gained as we studied it further.

31. Double Doors

Double Doors

Double Doors was posted on April 27, 2022, to corroborate the understanding of the close of probation presented in “Escaping the Quarantine”, in the light of the sign of Zechariah 3 as it was experienced.

32. Dangerous Waters

Dangerous Waters

Dangerous Waters was posted on April 27, 2022, to corroborate what has been said before about the day of the rapture and to analyze a new dream that reveals the most probable hour within the day. Hold on to your faith as the danger of nuclear world war is higher than ever!

33. Ready to Sail

Ready to Sail

Ready to Sail was posted on April 28, 2022, to communicate a clarified understanding of the events of the day before. It is to reaffirm the leading of God and strengthen those who are awaiting the rapture.

34. The Captain's Call

The Captain's Call

The Captain's Call was posted on April 29, 2022,to provide further thoughts on the events surrounding April 27, 2022, and examine their relationship to the fall of antitypical Babylon.

Closing Scenes

35. The Magnet of God

The Magnet of God

The Magnet of God was posted on April 30, 2022, and presents a fascinating dream that was dreamt on April 27, 2022, when the door of grace closed and the fate of the world was sealed. It illustrates the journey from the beginning of this ministry until its end and shows what is necessary in order to find the “rapture magnet”.

36. The Seventh Plague

The Seventh Plague

The Seventh Plague was posted on April 30, 2022, and reviews recent news in light of the last and worst plague described in the book of Revelation. It shows from the Bible just how close we are to The End.

37. Consecration for the Kingdom

Consecration for the Kingdom

Consecration for the Kingdom was posted on May 1, 2022, explaining a vision Ezekiel saw depicting the heavenly scenes of this very week. It deepens one’s understanding of the significance of this important time and closes the circle to the beginning of the second Miller’s prophesying.

38. Joker Biden’s Dinner

Joker Biden’s Dinner

Joker Biden’s Dinner was posted on May 2, 2022, to show how the annual dinner of the White House Correspondents’ Association marked the time of the downfall of antitypical Babylon.

39. The Defense of the Defenseless

The Defense of the Defenseless

The Defense of the Defenseless was posted on May 2, 2022, and explains the symbolism of a dream in light of present heavenly signs and a surprising discovery. It speaks of the Christian’s defense and the fate of those who intend to attack the innocent children of God after probation has closed.

40. Judgment in the Millennium

Judgment in the Millennium

Judgment in the Millennium was posted on May 6, 2022, and explains important timing information about the millennium and the judgment that takes place within it.

41. Blowing the Tumpet

Blowing the Tumpet

Blowing the Tumpet was posted on May 8, 2022, and shows how the Holy Spirit led us to the culmination of the voice of God that thundered from the Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption, proclaiming the day and hour of the second coming and the wrath of God (and at the same moment, the rapture).

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