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White Cloud Farm

Regional Secretaries

Richard Hübner
Regional Secretary for the Euro-Asia and Inter-European Regions
White Cloud Farm
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Language: German

My mother was 17 ¾ years old when she gave birth to me. This birth was anything but easy—it was a forceps delivery, with the doctor desperately screaming: "We can‘t do it, we can‘t do it..." Well, they did it. I came into the world and went immediately into the incubator, because I had jaundice. The doctor gave me only a very small chance to survive, but it looks like God wanted me to live.

For the first eight years of my life, I grew up with my faithful grandparents, together with Jesus, because my mother worked. It was very nice until I went to my uncle. He and his wife "educated" me while my mother worked. The good times were gone, and a new chapter began which I had better not talk about. The next two years went by, until I got my own key to the front door and could stay home alone. From then on, I "educated" myself, so to speak. I grew to be a young man, becoming farther detached from God as I grew up.

It was in August of 2010, as I woke up from sleep one day and lay in bed, that I suddenly knew I had no friends. Everything in my world seemed to be a lie. When I realized this, I fell into a deep depression. After hours of weeping and contemplation, I suddenly realized that only one person could help me out of this situation, and that was JESUS.

So I began to look for Jesus, first in spiritualism: New Age, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. I got on board with those teachings and followed the instructions of my teachers, but I did not find God that way. It was good that my thoughts were always directed to Jesus, and therefore I realized that the longer I stayed with one of those groups, the more darkness and contradiction I recognized.

I began to read the Bible after some time, but I was still involved in spiritualism. I also started to pray consciously—getting on my knees and speaking aloud. I did it very hesitantly, however, because I preferred to talk to Jesus in my thoughts. The topic of "praying" interested me more and more, so I visited various Christian groups on Facebook. I accepted their advice and followed their lessons, but there, too, were so many contradictions that my heart said, "Something is wrong!"

Then came a time when I was constantly drawn to the number seven. It was so intense that one day I prayed to learn the truth about the number seven. So I found an article on the Internet from Seventh-day Adventists, and from there, the Orion message. There was an article called "The Clock of God." My heart was quickly captivated by this message, and it was clear to me: If God needs me as a witness, then I am here for Him! So I studied this message a little bit. I also visited a brother, and accepted the Orion message in prayer. However, I proved the message, it’s statements, and also Ellen G. White.

After a while, I distanced myself from the message. Why? I had no desire to study, did not recognize the seriousness of the situation, and maybe I was also afraid of the truth. I cannot say exactly. So I read the Bible and looked for a Christian church or the right teaching on Facebook and the Internet. There are so many different Christian teachings, so many contradictions, and I found nothing that made me happy or satisfied me.

In August 2016, I was so desperate that I cried out in prayer for the truth. Yes, I cried out for the truth, and so the Orion message came to me a second time. Then I realized that Mrs. Ellen G. White was a true messenger of God, because I knew the Bible better by that time, and it says there: "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:" (Joel 2:28) or "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:" (Acts 2:17).

Because of this, I studied her writings more intensely than before and recognized the many harmonies in the message. I was overwhelmed but also satisfied: no contradictions, so many things fit, this message was so different, so many of my open questions were answered. One question that I often asked was: Where are the successors of the 12 apostles, and where is the true church of God? Would I find it all here in the movement of High Sabbath Adventists? I got more and more on board with this message. In a short time, my character was reshaped and everything I had not quit before (smoking, coffee, music, TV, etc.) now went very fast.

Even being a skeptic and doubting Thomas, I have no doubt in this message; the Holy Spirit is active here, and the voice of God does come from Orion. I have learned that God loves logic, just like I do! I have learned that God is TIME, and the Holy City is a spaceship. I have discovered the significance of when there is the talk of the “Father”, the “Son” and the “Holy Spirit”. There are many, many more answers that no one else can offer with so much proof. After a long search, I have become part of God's true church. I am honored that God wants to use me as His tool. I pray that the Holy Spirit comes into your heart and you can accept this message of truth.

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