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Languages: GermanBirthday: 6/30/1988Marital Status: Single
My testimony:
Roughly summarized, my life could be described as follows: I was baptized Roman Catholic as a child, but I didn’t really deepen and live the faith and went astray. In 2018 I left the Catholic Church because I had heard the call to leave Babylon. I was happy to become a member of the High Sabbath Adventist movement and was baptized by immersion in 2018 in the name of the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. With this, I entered into the ministry of our exalted Lord. But to better understand how much I needed Jesus’ salvation, I would like to add more details to my testimony.
After I was born in 1988, I lived with my mother until I was 12 years old and then went to a foster home. She believes in God, in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit. However, she accepted the Catholic faith only to marry her first husband. Otherwise, she never had anything to do with the church, nor did she belong to any congregation.
When I was 14 years old, I was transferred to the closed ward of a psychiatric hospital for a few weeks. During my stay there, I got to know the leader of a child and youth welfare project. Due to my difficult childhood and youth, I was then accepted into the above-mentioned child and youth welfare project and was thus accommodated in various foster care homes or foster families, and I was assigned only once to a believing foster family. Otherwise, however, I had no relation to God in my life and was not interested in the Bible either. During my youth I did pretty much everything wrong and did not live by the true and unadulterated commandments of God. Very soon I came into contact with occult things, drugs, alcohol, immorality, and theft and was carried away to things that even put other people in danger.
In February 2018, I found a biblical contribution on the Internet regarding the RFID chip and the mark of the beast (thank God, I now know the truth!), and told it to my (then) best but unbelieving friend. He in turn showed me an excerpt from the YouTube video “Zeitgeist”, which made me a believer in the Darwinian theory of evolution. In this situation I denied God’s creation and thought that everything I did in my life had no meaning for the future. Another evening, I learned from the Bible what God had said about the sins I had committed in my life. As I read this, I became aware of my sinful life that God was showing me, and I felt a sense of despair and being lost.
Somehow, I must have believed in God even though I had denied Him, for how else could I have felt so lost? In my despair, I even reached a point where I considered myself to be the work of the devil and believed that I had the sign of the goat’s head on my forehead. This shook me so much that I had myself admitted to a psychiatric clinic. I was in treatment for 22 days before I left the clinic again. I wanted to change my life, but I did not succeed immediately. When I was discharged, everything remained the same, but I could at least stop taking drugs. At that time, I was also unemployed. Only when I had made contact with the ministry of the fourth angel did my life slowly get back on track.
On May 20, 2018, I contacted Brother Gerhard in Paraguay, who referred me to Brother Günther in Germany, with whom I was in contact starting May 21, and later also with Brother Jan. At that time, things went up and down with me because my faith had to be strengthened first. A tremendous process began, and a hard struggle broke out because Satan would never want anyone to be saved, and I thank the Lord with all my heart that He forgave my sins and pulled me up step by step from the abyss I was in.
Through the loving and gracious guidance of our beloved Lord, I was able to find the inner peace that only our Lord Jesus can give, and through His grace I was able to find dear brothers and sisters with whom I walk the narrow path to heaven.
I thank our Lord and our heavenly Father for His mercy in leading me into all truth through His Holy Spirit and calling me despite my unworthiness. All reverence, praise, and thanks are due only to our Almighty God the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
God’s blessing and protection to you all, dear brothers and sisters worldwide, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your Brother Thomas (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)