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I'm of Zimbabwean origin, married and have two sons. I grew up a Methodist, but it was in 2000 when I learned about the seventh-day Sabbath of the Lord while reading my new Bible. Since seeking Bible truth and doing God's will has always been my desire, I asked my local pastor the reasons why we were keeping Sunday when the Bible spoke of the Sabbath. All that my Methodist pastor gave me as his response, was that in following what I had found out from the Bible about the Sabbath of the Lord, l wasn't lost. This had so deep a meaning to me. It was time to move to where this Sabbath truth was practiced. Having been already married to my wife by then, we both became Seventh-day Adventists. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened in all my Christian life. I began to have good and logical biblical answers to the many questions of many years that had bothered my mind and which no man could supply. As a Seventh-day Adventist, l was glad to discover the Spirit of Prophecy in the writings of E. G. White. God gave me much along the journey.
I prayed for the sick and they could be healed by the power of God, casting out evil spirits in the name of Jesus as l believed the Word of God for what it simply says. Little known to me and unfortunately, this made fellow Christians view me with suspicion, because the way God answered my prayers, at least to them, was "unAdventist-like". The experiences that followed weren't good experiences for a Christian whose heart was seeking nothing but the face of God. But the Lord was always my fortress.
As time went by God would continue to talk to us—my wife and I—through dreams. We saw from these that the church was on a wrong course in its continual apostasy. We then tried, but sadly in vain, to sound warnings to God's people, rebuking sin strongly while at the same time, trying to wake them up to the reality of a pending judgment and of the end of the world. This was our biggest "mistake," for we incurred the ire of many for it. We started being viewed as misfits in church—too zealous to want to purge sin out of the camp of Israel. Often we would be reminded in one way or another: "This is the church of God and He will cleanse it on His own."
Things continued to worsen. Twice I was removed from the list of the local preachers. No explanation was given. The decisions that were reached to silence me, were unbiblical and were for the flimsiest of excuses. I was once stopped from teaching a Bible study class in which l taught nothing but the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. When l requested the church leadership to attend my studies and show me heresy if l was teaching any, many elders were made to attend. None found anything like heresy, save that which was from the Book. But despite that, the church hurriedly had secret meetings and decided to stop me from teaching in the Bible study.
Seeing the threats to the work of God from such misguided elements, I then started preaching mainly by pen rather than with voice. This resulted in a number of my written sermons/articles that were sent to those that the Lord would make available to me. Unfortunately, like the voice messages I'd given, those written messages weren't largely heeded as well, because of their sin-rebuking nature. Being zealous for the things of God, I was much troubled by this. I had to seek answers from Him. And for a time, I felt like I was alone. But the Lord guided me to 1 Kings 19. At this, I knew God had others of my kind hidden somewhere as Obadiah hid the rest of those of Elijah's kind when threatened by Jezebel.
Then I came to know about the bearers of the Fourth Angel's Message as given to brother John Scotram. When I had my first encounter with High Sabbath Adventists about the end of 2014, it was easy to identify with their message. God made it even easier for us as a family, because some time in the same year, my wife had a dream about the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In the night vision she saw three things: a watch, a bell and a key. But the watch had been tampered with and its clock hands had been removed from its face. The bell had its part that makes sound removed from it, while the key had its lock taken away. We knew that things weren't right within God's church, but we never thought it would one day fall. The church indeed eventually sealed its irreversible fate on July 8, 2015 in San Antonio during its 60th General Conference session.
It was through much prayer that l then saw that the tampered-with clock of my wife's dream was the Clock of God in Orion. That the bell represented the carillons in heaven. The key that the church made ineffective by throwing away its lock was the very key of David. We thus had to leave this house that had now become part of Babylon, to be with the remnant of the remnant. This was in accordance with Revelation 18:4-5, God's last warning to mankind before the destruction of the world for its sins. And today l and my family are humbled of God in Alnitak to be part of the Movement of High Sabbath Adventists. (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)