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White Cloud Farm

Harvest News

The final harvest of souls follows the pattern of the disciples’ last fishing excursion under the command of our Lord. The story recorded in the Gospel of John is full of meaning for today, and it confirms that this year’s harvest is indeed the last harvest before Jesus returns. This concept was explored in 2016 in the article It is the Lord!, so titled for the exclamation of John when he recognized that it was Jesus on the shore of Tiberias (John 21:7) while the disciples were waiting for him at the designated meeting place after His resurrection.

As modern-day disciples were waiting for the two witnesses of Revelation 11 to resurrect, they also heard a voice commanding that the nets be cast once more, thus Harvest News began with its first report on May 11/12, 2020. Will you work as a fisher of men to help bring in the final draught of fishes? Will you exclaim with John, “It is the Lord” who ordered this miracle?

Now that all the delays are over, this last harvest is ready to be gathered in during the times of persecution that are upon us. Our prior investigation of the miracle of the 153 fishes was published in 2016 as an addendum to what the four authors believed would be their final series of articles. Instead, however, they chose to sacrifice their hopes of escape from this world by petitioning the Father for more time to reach God’s children with the message of salvation as God has given it in this generation. A certain amount of time was allotted—and with it an inexhaustible wealth of heavenly light that can pierce even the darkest depths of the soul that is yearning for God.

To finish the new work, four authors have once again written four concluding articles to complete the message that should be given to the world with a loud cry. This time, however, the final miracle of the draught of 153 fishes comes not as an addendum to the article series, but as Harvest News—not an explanation about the harvest, but a report from the harvest of the end of the world! And these fishes will be great ones—trophy fishes—according to the biblical precedent in John 21:11.

Please read the first report, A Kingdom Divided…, to find out how the final harvest began, and subscribe to our Telegram group Alnitak Newsletter free of charge to receive notices of future publications. For your regular study, please take advantage of the coronaGIFT coupon code to access the existing body of knowledge offered in our in-depth reading plans. Best wishes for a bountiful ingathering! Maranatha!

The Young Joseph with the Dreams


Joseph—also named as one of the twelve heads of the 144,000 of Revelation—was one of the notable interpreters of dreams in the Bible. For the fledging family of Israel, Joseph’s dreams (which resulted in his exile) and the dreams of Pharaoh (warning of the famine) can be seen as divine messages for the salvation of the whole family, upwards of seventy persons. In that way, Joseph was a type for the Savior, and the dreams with which Joseph was involved in his youth and young adult years were prophetic for the end of time.

We are happy to announce publication of the first part of a new series of articles that will expound the meaning that the dreams of Joseph’s generation have for us today. As you read it, you will see how the antitypical “Joseph” (namely Jesus) is offering salvation again today for all those who are hungering for the Word of God in a world that is famished for lack of relevant truth—something you can “eat”—amidst the masquerading propaganda of this crazy world.

Do you know about the young Joseph with the dreams?

Four Authors

Article series of the four authors of the White Cloud Farm.

Our Experience


You may believe you know God, but this article series will challenge your notion of who He is and what He can do—and has done! In the first article of the series, you will understand that God Is Not Just Love! His character is also revealed in time. Experiencing an unchanging God who is Time is unlike anything else you can imagine! Read about the often dramatic adventures He led us through as we approached The Day of the Witnesses at the end of the LastCountdown prophecy timeframe, including the trial and rebellion that overcame the weak-hearted when we asked Time for more time.

That prayer and how God led us to that understanding is one of those memories that is forever etched into our minds. But for your benefit, the story of The Hour of Decision has been preserved with the many lessons that came during our camp meeting on the hill of sacrifice. At first, we believed that the time of the tribulation of The Seven Lean Years would be a brief story to tell, but as it was being written, ray after ray of light began to shine on the slopes of Mt. Chiasmus as the peals of the second time proclamation began to roll through the earth and the trumpets finally gave their sound in loud tones!

The Elijah Promise


Malachi prophesied that Elijah would come just before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. This series will show you that he has indeed come at every critical point in history, including today! You will learn who he is, and what his work entails. You will see who the faithful Elijahs of past generations were, and how each one fulfilled part of the prophecy and added to our understanding of what the last Elijah must accomplish. You will learn who the last Elijah is, and why you can be certain that he (and you) will not miss seeing the coming of the Lord, as his predecessors did. Finally, you will see how signs and wonders are accompanying the modern Elijah, and how the characteristic fire from heaven of his namesake will bring the world to a decision point to serve God or Satan, and how he equips this generation to be faithful to God through the time of trouble.

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. (Malachi 4:1)

The Legacy


This work is for those among the living who want to know the truth whatever the cost, and for those among the dead who lived according the present truth they had.  If you do not fit into one of those categories, then this testament is not for you.

Section 1 defines the parties involved.  It states who we are: the testators.  It indicates how we will sign this last will and testament at the end.  It specifies who the beneficiaries are, who the only rightful heirs of this legacy are, and it even excludes a specific group who is not entitled to it.  This is of special interest, because a person will want to know if he/she qualifies or not.  This section will reveal who the 144,000 of Revelation really are.

Section 2 explains the testament itself—the everlasting covenant that God made with mankind—and demonstrates that we are indeed the holders of the covenant and that we have the testamentary capacity (legal ability) to make this last will and testament.  No other party can convey what we have for the heirs.

Section 3 describes the legacy that is transferred to the heirs.  It includes the vast treasure store of spiritual gemstones, precious materials, pearls, and all kinds of jewels, and—what we know will be especially comforting to the heirs—the clock of their Original Father, the one-of-a-kind Grandfather’s Clock of all clocks, whose soothing tick-tock and pleasant chimes will take them back to the home where they belong. It has a personalized engraving just for them. These divine gifts are given for their comfort and spiritual maintenance as the heirs, like how the gold, frankincense, and myrrh were used to provide for Jesus and his family while they were in Egypt.

Section 4 builds upon the Elijah Signs to show how the divine Notary witnesses the signatures of the testators, and seals the testament with the Notary’s official seal.  It identifies who the Notary is, and how His seal includes security features that are impossible to counterfeit.  Despite uncertainty on every side, those who hold this last will and testament can rest assured that it has been certified for acceptance in the highest court of the universe and provides what is needed to obtain not only the provisions for the rest of the heirs’ journey on earth, but also their heavenly inheritance.

The Bridegroom Cometh


As the second woe passed and the judgment of the living closed, a transition took place: the Intercessor between God and man set aside His priestly garments to be arrayed in royal majesty for the exercise of His kingly power over this world. This is good news for those whose sins went beforehand to judgment, but it speaks severity and wrath to the transgressors of God’s law.

The time has come to rule the nations with the rod of iron. As Christ is seated on the throne of Time, a comet appears in the great clock among the heavenly constellations, known as the Horologium. Has the end of all things come? Is this the sign of the Son of man?

Discovered on the birthday of Jesus, the comet of time is intrinsically linked to the Son of man, and it traces a path that contains messages of His glorious return. What does it mean for you? Are you ready and able to hold in your hands the gift of eternal life? Has your meaning of life on earth been satisfactory to you, and to Him? Are you ready to take your journey to the stars, or do you have unfinished business on this world?

With their sights above as the Lord rises in majesty, the saints on earth plead for Him to remember. Remember Babylon! Remember the evils she has committed and how she oppresses the righteous! Pour out to her Your wrath without mercy and deliver Your own from her clutches!

Indeed, we see how the manifestation of the justice of God has begun. The heavens declare His righteousness, as Leviathan is turned back the way he came. The armies of the wicked are falling by their own swords, one against the other.

Meanwhile, God’s people are being brought before the councils. Who will be able to defend their faith against the pressures of receiving the vaccine? Those whom God has numbered will be able to refuse the number of the beast and enter the Kingdom of God at last.

At the Jordan


When searching for the Lord, one must be open to follow the way He leads. When the news of the Hunga Tonga eruption reached us, we recognized it as God’s final warning call and published the article The Father has Declared the Time as a result. We had no idea what vast amounts of light would pour into our souls in the course of the months that followed.

As events came in rapid succession and divine insight poured in, we began to share what the Lord had shown us with our Refuge members and to publish those packets of solid spiritual food in the form of PDFs on our website, under the title of Final Observations. These were our last “notes” to the left-behind.

This last writing effort has taken turns that we could never have expected. While nearing the end of our “Final Observations” and putting the last few PDFs online, we realized that God had led us on a mini trek through our own 42 stations—42 studies—like the children of Israel were led through 42 stations during their exodus from Egypt before entering Canaan. The first article about Hunga Tonga served as the trumpet blast to call the camp to order for the journey, after which followed the 42 studies. Our last study of these 42, however, contained so much information that we needed to break it into two parts, much like how the story of Israel’s last stop in the plains of Moab is described in two separate chapters: Numbers 22 and 33. Recognizing the biblical pattern, we opted to publish this two-part study as a two-part series under the title At the Jordan. This two-part series even talks a lot about the modern-day equivalent of Balaam, who was a stumbling block for Israel and whose modern-day counterpart had to be overcome by the truth. We could not have known in advance that our final journey would fulfill the biblical type so clearly!

After these 42 studies, the crowning of the message required one more article entitled Sealing the Journey that would close the message with a sevenfold seal. From then on, the land of Canaan awaits!

The Covenant Delivered


When we see the ark of the covenant in heaven, we see God delivering on His word. He promised to write His law in the hearts of His people, and as history concludes, the Israel of faith is now carrying the ark with them to the battle in the time ahead, being protected on a troubled earth.

The ark of the covenant began to be revealed with the proclamation of God the Father through the Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption. Then commenced loud thundering and lightning as the voice of God rolled through the earth, one line—one lesson—at a time. Soon, He concluded His utterance as the ark of the covenant was completely revealed, and the thunder was heard that articulated the midnight hour. Thus is the power received of which we are to be witnesses to the world:

And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

As we come to that hour, the birth pangs of the church are increasing in intensity. But like when God promised Abraham a child in his old age, He gave an appointed time to look forward to, when the pledged son would be given, so it is today. Jesus will come at the appointed time according to His covenant with Abraham. Will the children of Abraham laugh at the impossibility, or turn to the faith of the fathers? God sent “Elijah” to turn the fathers to the children, giving time for the impossible to be accomplished in them.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4:5-6)

May the Holy Spirit lead you to look up to all truth and discern the word of God from the heavenly canvas that teaches us about the last rapid movements.

The Reunion of the Seventieth Week


The Lord gives prophecy for a reason, and in this series, we begin to better understand God’s purposes. When we learn that the Lord is not limited to our finite concepts, but prophecy can fulfill in multiple ways, all working together to paint a complete picture, then we can make progress in understanding the depth and significance of His prophecies.

In The Threefold Key of Testimony, we delve into the relationship between Christ and His two witnesses in the setting of Daniel’s prophecy of the seventy weeks. The heavens show a cross—a burden for Jesus’ disciples to bear as He did—yet by that cross, the Second Coming is brought into focus. Have you borne your cross?

Then Jesus called the crowd, along with his disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. (Mark 8:34)

We see in shadows, but soon we shall see face to face. May you stand strong in the Lord as a witness to what He has done in you, being confident that He will bring it to completion. You may give the balm of your witness to the Lord’s work in saving you from sin, and that balm will serve to heal many others. Testify for the Rock, upon whom you firmly stand in these unstable times.

Go Ye Out


When the two moons of God’s pendulum clock strike midnight, the call is heard regarding our Bridegroom: “Go ye out to meet Him!” Do you have the character of the wise virgins? Do you have reserve oil in your vessels? Do you understand what it means to be saved by the blood of the Lamb? If Christ is in you, His gene of glory will be active in your life to bring about every needed reform by faith, and the light of your sacrificial character will shine in this time of darkness.

The Lord has shown the way to the marriage supper through the comets of His heavenly clocks. Though wickedness manifests in high places, God’s people need not fear; He is with them as they follow the procession of the Kings.

The biblical harvests of the apocalypse are drawing to their dramatic conclusion, as both sides of the war have completed their preparations and are gathering for the last great struggle. But God is with His people through the storm. They are His, and He seals them with His divine monogram, acknowledging that His character is in them. All of this is revealed by the course of the comets on God’s heavenly clocks as they blaze their way through the midnight hour, the fall of Babylon, and the arrival of the glorious city.

The Apocalyptic Harvest


In seven verses of Revelation 14, a prophetic mystery is presented about a harvesting process in two phases at the end of the world. Far more than a poetic analogy of gathering the righteous like wheat into the barn or the wicked like overripe grapes bound straight for the winepress, this prophetic puzzle confirms the arrival of the blessed hope of God’s people amid troubled times when they need Him most. As it is with God’s revelation, while we can benefit from His words at any level, none could comprehend the detail and profound depth that they conceal until the time was right.

Who is it who takes a close look at the grapes of the earth, and determines that they are fit for the winepress of divine wrath? Who is it who stands larger than the earth to thrust in his giant sickle to cut them and cast them in? What is the important issue on the earth that readied God’s people for the test of this hour? Who is the angel who observed this divine harvest and determined that the virgin’s seed had borne fruit that was after the kind of Jesus, and would yield an abundant harvest?

These questions and more will be answered with divine clarity as the heavenly imagery reveals the mystery of the apocalyptic harvest.

The Divine Monogram


Kings and dignitaries in ancient times had engraved signet rings which served as their seal—comparable to one’s personal signature today. It was pressed into clay to form bullas that sealed an item or message, giving the assurance that it was from that person, or that it belonged to them.

Is it any wonder, then, that the King of kings Himself should have His own royal seal? But no signet of gold would be sufficiently grand to serve as the seal of the living God! Therefore, formed in the heavens by His own handiwork, the signet of the Son of man has appeared with unparalleled grandeur that none else could imagine. The two comets that trace it tell the story of His sacrifice and that of His people through the symbolism of the constellations through which they travel. This signet speaks of the Lord’s immovable will in the Strength of the Unicorn, of the vanquishing of His enemies with the unclean hare in the crosshairs, and the open ark of His law that is at the heart of all He—and His church body—does.

How much information can the Divine Monogram contain, is only limited by one’s understanding of the heavens and the work of our Lord to rescue His people from a world doomed to destruction, by providing an Ark of safety to escape in. One need not fear anything that may come upon the earth in the time depicted by this sign, because we can trust in the name of the Lord, whose seal is pressed even into our very hearts.

The Pinnacle


A powerful and violent storm has come upon the world, so if at any time it seems to be calm, be aware that you are in the eye of the storm, and there are more fierce winds shortly ahead. Like storms form from a clash of warm air and cold, so on the earth, the conflict between Christ and Satan is being amplified to a final climax. The abomination that maketh desolate has shown its ugly face, and the world has lined up behind it in support. But God has also gathered His army, and in line with the revelation of Daniel’s two witnesses, they take their position for the Lord.

What will be the outcome of this showdown? Those who walk with the spirit and power of Elijah will demonstrate to the world who the true God is, and how He has opened the way to heaven. Will you follow the One who is the Way through the Truth to Life? He is our Deliverer from the woes of earth and from the enemy whose sinful ways have brought those woes upon the population.

The prideful greed for power and control by those who learn from Satan has resulted in even an agricultural apocalypse that demands a strategic change on the part of God’s people to achieve their best physical and spiritual condition for their service in His army in the adverse conditions present on earth. But though the enemy has gained much through his destructive ways, in the end, the Creator will restore all that was lost.

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. (Revelation 21:5-6)

The Open Door


When Jesus repeated those words to the seven churches, “He That Hath an Ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches,” He knew that one day, two comets would illustrate how the Spirit would speak and direct The Final Gathering of the churches into the Lord’s sheepfold, where there are humble shepherds like those who were watching their flocks when the angels gave them a sign at the Lord’s first Advent.

Today, harpers may be heard harping The Melody of God’s Law on their harps and calling to the Lord, “Thrust in Thy Sickle!” so that the good grain of God’s kingdom is separated from the tares of the kingdom of darkness, destined to be burned in the fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For the bride of Christ to arise and fulfill her role as The Church Triumphant, her King must have A Time to Reign. That time is a time when the earth is Flooded With Fire from the throne of Judgment, while God’s people are supernaturally protected.

Soon, the dead will be raised incorruptible and in unity, all the redeemed will receive their inheritance as The Tribes in Heaven, consisting of those who Escape the Darkened Kingdom, and surrendered their lives to The Faithful and True Witness. For these, the Lord says with love:

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. (Revelation 3:8)

Hold fast to our faithful Witness until at last, He brings us through that open door in Orion.


It is the earth’s last “time”. The final 372 days are fast coming to their dark end, as they mark the time when the light of the Holy Spirit will forever depart from those who persistently resisted Him up to His last attempt to bring them to repentance. But like the broken heart of Jesus was cheered by one lone voice of faith as He hung on the cross, so in this final hour, there is a joy that still lightens this dark world. It is the joy of the final harvest of souls. These recognize their King, even when His crown is just a humble shawl.

In these last days, the heavenly messengers urge us to receive the mind of Christ and discern His heart, broken for humanity. Do you see as He sees? Will you sacrifice as He taught us to do?

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (1 John 3:16)

Now is a time to love as He has loved us. It is a time to wake up to the urgency ourselves and compel as many as we can to escape the fiery bowls of His wrath. The world is perishing, but God is relying on His people to finish His work for this last hour. Will you serve Him in His fields?

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. (Matthew 9:37-38)

The Bowls of God's Wrath


Dear Readers,

The apocalyptic fires that continue to rage and devastate Los Angeles are just the beginning of God’s judgments upon the world, as seen in the outpouring of the seven bowls of His wrath. The Lord has begun His strange work at the appointed time, according to His divine clock:

For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act. (Isaiah 28:21)

In the video Last Countdown Part II , the timeframe for the seven bowls of God’s wrath was explained as it has been revealed on the Father’s clock in the Mazzaroth.

The Schedule of Pouring

The first bowl of God’s wrath was completely poured out on the earth on January 7, 2025, marking the culmination of the outpouring that had begun days earlier with the terrible New Orleans attack. This final visitation of wrath occurred just one day after the U.S. Congress officially certified the presidential election of the destroyer.

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. (Revelation 9:11)

The timeframe for the second bowl of God’s wrath has now begun. This bowl will be poured out upon the sea, and in biblical prophecy, the sea represents Europe. Thus, we can expect Europe to be next in experiencing the manifestations of God’s wrath.

The Lord has promised to reveal His plans in advance so that no one is caught unaware:

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7)

We invite you to read the studies linked below to gain a clear understanding of how God’s prophetic word is unfolding and how the heavens are confirming His testimony. It is high time to embrace the heart of Jesus and to be sealed in His name. Be filled with the Spirit and lead many to righteousness. Share the links with others as letters of brotherly love to warn and to grant many the opportunity to decide for the Lord and not be snared by the enemy.

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; (Ephesians 5:16-18)

Fire from Heaven


Never before in the history of mankind has there been a prophetic ministry similar to that of the Fourth Angel from Revelation 18. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we received seven divine clocks, which not only supplied the missing links in the biblical chronology, including the depiction of the journey of the Seventh-day Adventist judgment people through their ups and more so downs, but also marked important points for our current, real-life experience in the present time.

Four Orion cycles, each with seven significant dates, have passed: the Great Orion cycle from the creation of Adam in the Garden of Eden to the birth of the second Adam, Jesus, in Bethlehem, the Judgment cycle from the beginning of the judgment of the dead in 1844 and the setting out of the rider on the white horse in 1846 to the beginning of the judgment of the living with the trumpet cycle from February 1, 2014 to October 18, 2015 as the final warnings for the plagues that are coming upon the present generation.

Because the Seventh-day Adventist Church, just like the Israelites and the Christians, didn’t fulfill their mission in the time that God gave them, He granted mankind another great opportunity for repentance by transforming the year of plagues into another merciful cycle of seven. However, they still didn’t repent, as the text of the seventh and last plague even says.

In the High Sabbath List—in which, in the first seven years of our divine mission to redeliver to the people the lost genetic heritage of their Creator, we recognized the gene of life for the 144,000 who will never taste death—more great milestones appeared to everyone on the journey through God’s own time toward a sin-free universe. God wrote these memorial dates with His own finger; with the finger of the I AM, who is Time Himself.

These dates, totaling 4 × 7 = 28, plus the 9 × 3 = 27 memorial years of the gene of life, where the spiritual death of the organized SDA Church in the years 2010-2012 was also recorded, have all been fulfilled already, and we wrote these 55 (!) prophecies including their fulfillments on approximately 1800 letter-sized (or A4) pages over a period of seven years on They stand as a testimony to the impenitent world. In addition, innumerable and unprecedented harmonies appeared in the Word of God, and we were able to solve age-old riddles that the Lord had given us to consider, like His instruction to think about the number of the beast, along with which, we could unmask Satan in the flesh.

In our anxiety and desperation to bring salvation to at least a few remaining true Christians, who still believe in Satan’s lies in one way or another even though God’s clock hands point to all of His valid and life-essential rules and teachings, we asked for more time. God knew our request before we asked it, and for that reason, He only let the Bible texts fulfill partially during the first trumpet cycle. Thus, He opened the possibility for the second and last trumpet cycle, which completes the first and runs parallel to it from November 22, 2016 until the beginning of the plagues on August 20, 2018.

One last time, scoffers and doubters have an opportunity to experience even more serendipitous fulfillments at the “clock times” indicated by God—this time under the more challenging requirement that specific parts of the trumpet text must be fulfilled, which had not yet been fulfilled in the first pass. Will this lead some wavering ones to believe when it comes to pass?

The countdown is ticking. After the sixth (complementary) trumpet, there will be no more repentance nor conversion. Receive and accept the gene of life, and God will grant you eternity!


The Shaking of the Heavens


Before the heavens and the earth were to be shaken to pieces by the hand of God, His voice was moving the firmament one last time. The silence in heaven was giving way to the sound of His last seven trumpets. They called the sinner to repentance and the doubter to decision, for the heavens declared His glory in an unprecedented way. Every single trumpet blast was recorded in His handwriting on the vaults of heaven, thus bearing the seal of the Almighty.

We have been permitted to gaze upon the moving heavens, and you are also called to look up, while we show you the celestial drama on behalf of the Creator. Therefore…

See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven: Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. (Hebrews 12:25-26)

The Plagues Cycle

The loud cry sounds as soon as the fourth angel has finished his work. This has now been accomplished. The Two Witnesses have finished their prophecy in sackcloth...

And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Revelation 18:1-4)

But the light of the Fourth Angel will shine ever brighter until the end, as a testimony against the fallen world (see Matthew 24:14):

We need to study the pouring out of the seventh vial [Revelation 16:17-21]. The powers of evil will not yield up the conflict without a struggle. But Providence has a part to act in the battle of Armageddon. When the earth is lighted with the glory of the angel of Revelation eighteen, the religious elements, good and evil, will awake from slumber, and the armies of the living God will take the field.—The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:983 (1899) {LDE 251.3}

The Stench of the First Plague


As of August 20, 2018, the first plague has been afflicting millions and getting worse…

And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. (Revelation 16:2)

In the first part, we introduce the first plague, showing who it is affecting most directly and how God is giving recompense for the evils that have been committed in secret for generations as the great controversy between Christ and Satan comes more to light. Then you will see how the sixth trumpet has fulfilled in a most striking manner. With the tremendous revelation that is uncovered there, we will take you back to the fifth trumpet, where it brings to light a jaw-dropping discovery of what God has been pointing to!

The second part demystifies the seventh trumpet and reaffirms the accuracy of the model of Jericho given in the Bible. It speaks about the three woes and shows how they point to the second “birth” of Jesus Christ when He returns as King of kings. This part ties the knot on the discovery of the first part, explaining Revelation 13 and the real-life relationship between the first and second beast, removing the façade from the world stage to show you who is pulling the strings of whom.

This entire series calls the reader to come out of Babylon, which many are already doing. But so far, few have found the solitary places where they should gather together to be fed from angels in the time of famine. The third part of this series will interpret Revelation 11—the pinnacle of the entire book of Revelation—to reveal the identity of the Two Witnesses, who can provide your spiritual nourishment. In this part, you will be brought to the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ, from which vantage point the first plague will be seen in its true light. It is His heavenly voice that calls you to Himself:

Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. (Revelation 18:4-5)

The Second Plague: Death in the Sea


We started to publish our findings regarding the nature of the second plague as soon as it began on October 2, 2018 according to the Orion plague clock. Since the terrible events in Chemnitz, a city in East Germany, part of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) that has since 1990 been reunited with the Federal Republic of Germany, we had the strong suspicion that the second plague verse could be pointing to the ever strengthening movements in Europe that are classified as right-wing radical, and of course neo-Nazis in particular, which meanwhile have spread worldwide. More details in The Blood of a Dead Man.

Nevertheless, the second plague took a surprising course with an important twist that brings a man's blood into the limelight of world publicity. The world's sea is in danger of being covered with an unprecedented oil slick, as the West's relations with the world's largest oil producer in the Middle East are on the brink of collapse. Will the black blood of this oil become the plague that began with an assassination on the Bosporus on October 2, 2018, exactly as the clock of God indicated? More details in The Black Blood.

Events in the second plague progressed rapidly. This year's true Jewish autumn feasts fall in its core time, without the world knowing it. At the Feast of Trumpets, Michael, the Great Prince arose in the form of the hurricane of the same name and dealt a terrible sucker-punch to the LGBT country, the USA. Many more clues have been gathered in our article that prove that Michael stood up.

The last part of the verse of the second apocalyptic plague, which refers to the death of all living creatures with souls in a sea of blood, was a great mystery until the correct interpretation was revealed on Sabbath, October 13, 2018. If you believe that it is the death of fish or other marine life, you have not yet realized that the prophecies in Revelation are to be understood symbolically. Whoever doesn’t heed this rule or know the clocks of God, gropes in the darkness that was predicted by God for this time. But if you are still hungry for the Bread of Life and want to know what God is revealing even now, you should not hesitate to read our article, An Ocean of Blood.

The Great Yom Kippur of 2018 came and went and the world is finally on the brink of collapse. Trump has officially broken with his intelligence—and that of his country—and Putin has announced the suicide of the Russian people just to see the rest of the world “annihilated.” While Khashoggi’s blood plagues the hypocritical leaders of the nations of this world, they take drastic measures in their delusion in order for no one to see their nakedness. The plagues of God are the reversal of His creation, in which humanity, as the last being created on the sixth day, had received intelligence in the likeness of God’s Spirit. It is only logical that the breaking with intelligence had to come first.

The Closed Door


The Midnight Cry has been sounding by the fourth angel for years, but pride prevented the people from receiving the Latter Rain, because (as it was in 1888) it did not come through big-name preachers, so they had no oil in their lamps. The oil in the vessels of the wise virgins has sustained them in this dark time, when the world and the church alike are falling apart. Do you have that oil? Do you know the time of your visitation?

And while they went to buy [oil for lamps of their own ideas, expecting the bridegroom to come later], the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. (Matthew 25:10-12)

The time of heart preparation is over. Now is the time of testing. Will you follow the way of the Cross or seek to save your own life? Time will tell!

Recently, we came across a sermon by pastor David Gates, president of Gospel Ministries International, that quite surprised us. It is called “Even at the Door.” It caught our attention in part because it was published right around Yom Kippur, and because of the content, which is about the reasons why he now expects that the Sunday Law will come in the Spring of 2019. Pastor Gates also included a couple of links to a recent televised series by the SDA conference pastor Arthur Branner, who arrives at the same timeframe through a study of the timelines of Daniel. This is a highly remarkable development to come from within the Adventist Church! All excitement aside, however, there is a terrible realization that accompanies their preaching at this late hour. It has to do with the oil in the virgins’ lamps. If you have your reserve oil ready, you will appreciate these insights, even at the closed door.

One of the most mysterious and challenging prophecies of the Bible is that of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. They are at once olive trees, lamp stands, and fire-breathing men. The mystery surrounding their identity is deep and difficult to probe, but with the testimony of the heavens, it is confirmed with unprecedented precision. The full revelation of the mystery can only be deciphered through the experiences of the two witnesses themselves. Join Brother Robert for a personal perspective on this fascinating journey of understanding as the many pieces of the puzzle come together to form a unified picture of these two multifaceted characters. Along the way, you will be taken back to the beginning of sin when the rebellion began among the angelic hosts. You will see the story as it is presented on the heavenly canvas, peering behind the earthly scenes to see the spiritual realities. You will face danger and uncertainty, discern the manifold effects of tragic loss, feel the sorrow of death and the hope of victorious resurrection, and be inspired with awe and wonder for the Creator’s omnipotence. Yet for all that God has done, only the wise who have oil in their lamps will understand.

The Third Plague


The third plague of Revelation is fulfilling right now before your very eyes. In the first article, Bloody Waters, you will see how accurately the symbolism of the third plague points to the events that are happening in the world today—especially in Europe. You will discover the meaning of the biblical “rivers and fountains of waters” and find out how the plague completes the warning of the third trumpet that already sounded. As plague after plague falls on the world, the cry becomes increasingly louder: Babylon is fallen! The third plague involves many different areas of world affairs, and the first article is just the beginning! So forward our newsletters to your friends so they won’t miss out on any of the exciting articles that are already in the pipeline for the third plague!

The earth is troubled like never before. The signs of the end can be seen all around us, and many have recognized that… for years. Is there something more concrete to give us confidence as to precisely when the final signs before Jesus’ return will manifest? As a matter of fact, Jesus gave us some important hints that make it clear—but it is necessary to have His clock! Without the clock that God has given in His grace, it is impossible to know how to correctly associate the prophetic descriptions with the world events as they happen. As the trouble increases in the world, there is one haven of sanity where God’s weary may find rest: Time. Is your heart troubled, or do you have that rest?

The core timeframe of the third plague has ended, and we now present you with a summary of the judgments affirmed by two voices as witnesses. In this article, you will discover not only who the angel of the waters is, and who speaks from the altar, but also what judgments have been determined upon the world. You will see that the “yellow vest” protests in Europe have a significance that stretches back to the Reformation, and in the course of this article, the true culprit behind the mayhem today will be unmasked. Find out how the Climate Deal is a revolution against God, and why the sentence has been spoken against this worn out world, which is about to meet its Maker! Are you ready to stand strong?

The Fourth Plague


In this article, we will examine several events that are related to the fourth plague, including the pope's Migration Pact, Trump's Space Force, China's nuclear fusion technology, and the Catholic Church's sex-abuse scandal. Each scenario will be tested against the Word of God to see which one meets all the criteria of the Bible text, and thus fulfills the fourth plague prophecy. Along the way, these important themes will offer some of the last few warnings prior to the inevitable outpouring of the undiluted wrath of God. May you be counted worthy to escape!

The Final Hour


There is more than just one final hour, depending on which end-time group a person belongs to. The first article of this category brings good tidings of God’s love toward the church of Philadelphia on earth.

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. (Revelation 3:10)

The trials and tribulations of this world will have an end, and we bring the good news of that end to Philadelphia directly from God. How does God speak? Does He say everything all at once, or does He give time for His words to be heard? Who can recognize His voice? Is it recognizable by those who are accustomed to listening to Him speak in the written word and the book of nature? These are questions that will be answered in The Hour of Philadelphia, so open your ears to hear the voice of God today!

Peace in the Middle East has been a long-sought-after goal that has eluded world leaders for generations. But as they have been preparing to achieve it through tolerance and hate speech laws designed to prevent the glory of God’s truth from lightening the earth, God has also been at work! Through the revelations of time, God gives a prophetic glimpse of His coming glorious kingdom—and with it, a radar view behind enemy lines to see how the final hour for the three frogs for peace begins. Will the US-drafted peace deal be released and agreed upon at a time of God’s specification? Are there references to the peace deal in Bible prophecy? In this article, we look at biblical evidence relating to it, and you will be surprised at what it reveals at the beginning of the sixth plague! Armageddon is just an “hour” later on the clock.

Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace! O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows: for the wicked shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off. (Nahum 1:15)

The Mystery of the Holy City

The closing chapters of the book of Revelation are a mystery in themselves. At first sight, God seems to reveal even the dimensions of His great golden city, which includes the mansions for the redeemed. But if we dig deeper into all the divine data and riddles, we discover much more than just a cube of a little more than 1500 miles in length, width, and height!

An untold story is told between the lines—a story that could only be deciphered by someone who came down from heaven to bring that light to a world in darkness. The Holy City is far more than a physical city, far greater than a whole planet, and not just a spiritual idea. It is indeed physical, it has more than three dimensions, and it is so vast that eternity is not long enough to discover all her treasures. It is a place from which more than one universe will be ruled by the Creator of all dimensions, who is Time. It is the place where you will sit with Him on His throne, if you believe.

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. (Revelation 21:3-4)

The Mystery Finished


The seventh trumpet sounded from May 7, 2019 on, and the mystery of God was understood by the members of the church of Philadelphia under the leadership of the fourth angel of Revelation 18. As the angel of Revelation 10 swears, there would be no more delay this time...

...But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. (Revelation 10:7)

This article series reveals—for the first time in human history—the meaning of the seven thunders. After months of intense study, we understood why Revelation 18 speaks of doubling the drink for Babylon...

Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. (Revelation 18:6)

The Doubled Plagues Cycle

The knowledge grew extraordinarily when another strong angel rushed to the aid of the church of Philadelphia...

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth... (Revelation 10:1-3)

The oath of the Lion of the tribe of Judah

...and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. (Revelation 10:3)

The Thunder Cycle

The same mighty Angel now speaks one last time to the remnant of His people:

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. (Revelation 18:4-5)

Do you know what cup God is using to fill to her double? The fate of Babylon is written in time, and the prophecies of her fall and destruction are coming to pass. Heed God’s warnings to come out of her before the sixth trumpet timer expires as revealed in this series!

What should God’s people do when they come out of Babylon? To every soul who loves God, the last part of this article series will explain the purpose and meaning of this unique and momentous time in your life as a child of God.

Coronageddon and the Silver Trumpet


Like in the year 2016 shortly before the expected return of the King of kings, we have been commissioned by Him to write a four-part series in which four authors are to have their say once again. Our 1260 days in sackcloth, since we offered the sacrifice of Philadelphia in October 2016 and asked Time to delay in behalf of sealing the 144,000, are now almost over, and only a few weeks remain before Jesus makes the proclamation in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary: “It is done!”

The world has declared war on “Corona” and does not know who brought this plague upon them, because they never lifted their heads to notice the shaking of the heavens. The concluding verse of the seventh plague therefore also says that men will blaspheme God, because until the end of time they will not understand who they were really fighting against in the last battle of “Coronageddon.”

The article entitled Time No Longer deals with the running out of time and the progressive revelation of the mystery of God, given before the angel who once descended from heaven to illuminate the earth with his glory returns whence he came.

What all this has to do with the final financial and economic crash that is already imminent will be the subject of another article, which will get to the bottom of the ambiguity of the term “silver” and will clearly elucidate why for a long time no one has been able to buy or sell without having the mark of the beast. Are you still able to buy and sell without any problems? Then consider yourself warned one last time before reaching the third hour of Revelation 18 that is still awaiting the impenitent in Babylon because the order is Reward Her Double.

“Peace and security” has been proclaimed, but nobody associated this proud claim to the Corona crisis, which now has the people terror stricken. Michael has long since stood up and is preparing to rush to the aid of His own, while the handwriting on the wall has long since been written by His hand on the canvas of heaven for the modern-day Babylonians. Hopefully you found before Shelter in the Time of Storm.

When the fourth angel of Revelation 18, who for a long time warned of the fall of the habitation of unclean birds, raises his voice to the heavenly hosts standing in the sun, inviting them to the feast of the fowls, then the people of the earth will know that the silver trumpet that Jesus holds in one hand is no longer far away. In the other hand, He holds the sickle with which He harvests the bad grapes and casts them into the winepress of the wrath of God. The hour of Babylon and The Final Harvest, about which we will report in a concluding article of the series, will then have come.

The latter rain message is coming to its conclusion. The successor of “John the Baptist” will soon have completed his work, and “Elijah” will disappear in the cloudy chariot. Elisha remains behind to finish God’s twofold work of vengeance with the final call to come out of Babylon. The 144,000 then have to stand firm without an intercessor, still turning many to righteousness who do not know how seriously God means His commandments. May you hear the compelling invitation to the wedding feast in evil times, although you would not hear it from us in better times.

The church of Philadelphia gives glory of God who is Time for His marvelous revelations. The King of kings with the many crowns returns.

The Victory Shout


The world is not the place it was before the coronavirus had its desolating influence. The former world is gone forever. Yet it is not the place it will be after the hour of escape either. There will be a baptism by fire as modern Babylon, like the walls of Jericho, comes crashing down in a great victory for God and His people.

The ark of God’s covenant is brought out before the world, and the image of Babylon is being toppled like the fish god in the temple of Dagon in front of the holy ark. In this article, you will see how—and when—God will deliver His people.

As it was when Israel finished marching around Jericho, the trumpet warnings have all been given and the time has come to SHOUT for victory, because the Lord has given the Promised Land to His people!

Like the approach of comet NEOWISE, the earth is being lightened by the glory of God. This new series conveys the final message to those who must “take the City,” and it is only available to our Full Study Plan subscribers—so please take advantage of the coronaGIFT coupon code today to get your subscription and read The Hour of Escape free of charge!

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