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Look up with the eyes of faith at the unveiling of God’s glory. Will Jesus find faith in you?
Are you prepared for the hour, day, month, and year specified in the sixth trumpet prophecy?
You will never see the two witnesses in the same way again!
The king of the bottomless pit is seated on his throne. Have you recognized him by his fruit?
God's visitation has begun following the certification of the destroyer’s reign. Discover how He has revealed this through His heavenly clock.
At God's appointed time, the first bowl of His wrath was poured out. Discover how He marked this event on His heavenly clock.
The Lord invites the children of Abraham by faith to look up toward heaven and stand in the promise of His grace.
After four volumes of documenting our journey with Jesus, He has brought us to His spacious studio, and opened before us the entire canvas upon which He is painting the most beautiful masterpiece.
In this video, you will witness a magnificent display of God’s prophetic word in the heavens, unveiling His mystery and allowing each of us to behold His glory as never before. Amidst the great deception unfolding on the earth, the brilliance of God’s revelation illuminates our path. The time for the prophesied harvest at the end of the world has arrived. The appointed time for the inspection of the field and the gathering of the grain has been revealed. Will the Angel of the Harvest find a mature crop ready for His work?Published: 2/25/2025
The sixth trumpet prophecy is fulfilling at the present time. Have you heard its sound? In this video, Brother John expounds on the hour, day, month and year, when a third part of men are to be slain. Perseverance in understanding God’s word in conjunction with the heavens builds the faith that Jesus is searching for when He comes. Will He find you walking and watching in faith?Published: 2/16/2025
The two witnesses of Revelation 11 are prophesied to stand up when the Spirit of life enters into them. When we understand how the two witnesses are two olive trees and two lampstands in heaven, their standing up takes on a whole new perspective. Explore the implications of this, and hear them give their testimony of what they have seen at the “street” of the city. You will never see the two witnesses in the same way again!Published: 2/7/2025
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Many are delighted with the changes that President Trump is bringing about in his first days in the office and are hopeful for the promised “Golden Age”, but the heavens testify to a different story. As Jesus wept over the beloved city, Jerusalem, so He weeps over the United States, a nation once in the favor of God, but now receiving His wrath. Can you see behind the diabolical agenda? Do you see that Apollyon has been enthroned?
The visitation of God's destructive judgments upon the earth has begun. He is revealing the appointed times on His heavenly clock, providing understanding of how His judgments are unfolding and the reasons behind the outpouring of His wrath.
Those who discern the times through His clock can find assurance that His hand is at work. For the wicked, He is a consuming fire; for the righteous, a mighty fortress. His wrath is still being poured out with mercy for a little while longer, but the time has come for everyone to make a decisive choice about whom they will serve.
Choose the King of kings, and expose the destroyer and his schemes.
God has unmistakably revealed that the apocalyptic fires raging in Los Angeles, California, are a manifestation of His judgment. He marked the precise timing of their outbreak on His heavenly clock at a location of deep prophetic significance. Through this, He provides clear understanding, ensuring that all recognize His hand at work in the destruction unfolding.
We invite you to study the times He reveals on His clock and to share these warnings with others. Many judgments are yet to come, and it is crucial that people have the opportunity to turn to God and find salvation.
The manifestation of the sons of God is eagerly awaited at this moment in our earth’s history. God has orchestrated a magnificent heavenly sign that reveals His character for all to see. This sign will provide needed encouragement to navigate the months ahead as the earth enters a time of trouble like never before.
We invite you to hold this message given by our heavenly Father in your hearts, so that His sacrificial love and faithfulness may become a part of your life. Watch and share the explanatory videos about the sign, and spread the gift of love and time by printing the card featuring the sign of God's heart.
May the true and enduring love, born from heaven and etched on the heavenly canvas from the Father’s heart to yours, lead you to receive His gift of salvation, abandoning Babylon’s deceptions, and standing faithful to His law.
We have published version 4.0 of the PDF book, The Heavenly Masterpiece, including ten new articles! Please download the new version to have the latest publications easily accessible on your devices. Our previous books are also available. May the Lord bless your study of His revelations.
Articles listed here may not yet be in the book. Always check here for the newest insight on the fulfillment of Bible prophecy!
The world is intently looking to the nation of Israel after the horrific attack perpetrated on October 7, 2023, which was a High Sabbath. Many Christians consider Israel to be a timepiece for the fulfillment of prophecy, and are eagerly leading people to consider the biblical significance of this war that has broken out, especially in relation to the time of the rapture of the church. But how can we be sure of the correct prophetic application of this apocalyptic event?
Jesus’ own prophecy in relation to the signs of the time of the end in Matthew 24:30 answers the question of the meaning of this unprecedented war.
And then [first] shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then [second] shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and [third] they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Matthew 24:30)
We must pay careful attention to the words of Jesus. First, He said that the sign of the Son of man would appear in heaven. Therefore, He led us to look up to recognize it. This sign has appeared through the trajectory of two newsworthy comets forming the Alpha and Omega signature of Jesus, by which He identifies Himself in the book of Revelation.
Being the sign of the Son of man, the symbolism within this signature encompasses many aspects related to Jesus as the Son of man, His role in the divine plan of salvation as well as the announcement of His second coming in glory:
The sign of Jonah depicting the great fish in whose belly Jonah (and by extension, the Lord) is represented.
The new name and seal of Jesus and the Father.
The seven churches of Revelation, which represent His body, with the urgent call of Jesus to repent and be gathered into the fold of truth.
The ear that the members of the seven churches should have to hear the Spirit.
The vision of Zechariah 4 that depicts two olive trees draining their oil into a bowl through two pipes, which is then distributed to seven other lamps (which are the seven churches as the light of the world).
The harp that the end-time harpers play, as well as its ten strings, which are…
The Ten Commandments in their fullness as Jesus expounded while on earth.
The ark of the testament, with its contents of Aaron’s rod, the bowl of manna, and the two tables of stone.
The tree of life, whose leaves are for the healing of the nations, formed by the comet of Time.
The final harvest at the end of the world with the wheat gathered into the barn and the grapes gathered and thrown into the winepress.
The scene of the Lord’s baptism and that of His people.
The kingdom of God and the representation of His enemies becoming His footstool.
The correlation of the end as in the days of Noah that Jesus prophesied.
Lastly, the inheritance of the tribes of spiritual Israel are demarcated in the sign in an orderly sequence like the ancient tribes.
This sign gloriously and unmistakably reveals Jesus to the world and gives hope to all who look up in faith. To help more to hear God’s voice from heaven, we are publishing videos and weekly instructional sermons for beginners to better understand this marvelous sign, and we encourage you to watch and share them with others. Join our Telegram Newsletter to be informed as soon as we publish.
According to Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24:30, after the appearance of the sign, we can expect to see all the tribes of the earth mourning. And that is exactly what we see. The sign of the Son of man appeared, and now the tribes of the earth are mourning before they see Jesus, the Son of man, returning in the clouds. Jesus, as the Son of man, was born as a Jew, so when He spoke His prophecies, He framed them in the context of the Jewish nation. But many Jews today are scattered worldwide, and they represent the tribes of the earth, and they are mourning the loss of loved ones in Israel.
What is happening is terrible for both Israelis and Palestinians, and our heart goes out to all who are hurting—from both sides. God does not desire that any should perish, but that all might come to eternal life. (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)