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The third plague of Revelation is fulfilling right now before your very eyes. In the first article, Bloody Waters, you will see how accurately the symbolism of the third plague points to the events that are happening in the world today—especially in Europe. You will discover the meaning of the biblical “rivers and fountains of waters” and find out how the plague completes the warning of the third trumpet that already sounded. As plague after plague falls on the world, the cry becomes increasingly louder: Babylon is fallen! The third plague involves many different areas of world affairs, and the first article is just the beginning! So forward our newsletters to your friends so they won’t miss out on any of the exciting articles that are already in the pipeline for the third plague!
The earth is troubled like never before. The signs of the end can be seen all around us, and many have recognized that… for years. Is there something more concrete to give us confidence as to precisely when the final signs before Jesus’ return will manifest? As a matter of fact, Jesus gave us some important hints that make it clear—but it is necessary to have His clock! Without the clock that God has given in His grace, it is impossible to know how to correctly associate the prophetic descriptions with the world events as they happen. As the trouble increases in the world, there is one haven of sanity where God’s weary may find rest: Time. Is your heart troubled, or do you have that rest?
The core timeframe of the third plague has ended, and we now present you with a summary of the judgments affirmed by two voices as witnesses. In this article, you will discover not only who the angel of the waters is, and who speaks from the altar, but also what judgments have been determined upon the world. You will see that the “yellow vest” protests in Europe have a significance that stretches back to the Reformation, and in the course of this article, the true culprit behind the mayhem today will be unmasked. Find out how the Climate Deal is a revolution against God, and why the sentence has been spoken against this worn out world, which is about to meet its Maker! Are you ready to stand strong? (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)