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The Midnight Cry has been sounding by the fourth angel for years, but pride prevented the people from receiving the Latter Rain, because (as it was in 1888) it did not come through big-name preachers, so they had no oil in their lamps. The oil in the vessels of the wise virgins has sustained them in this dark time, when the world and the church alike are falling apart. Do you have that oil? Do you know the time of your visitation?
And while they went to buy [oil for lamps of their own ideas, expecting the bridegroom to come later], the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. (Matthew 25:10-12)
The time of heart preparation is over. Now is the time of testing. Will you follow the way of the Cross or seek to save your own life? Time will tell!
Recently, we came across a sermon by pastor David Gates, president of Gospel Ministries International, that quite surprised us. It is called “Even at the Door.” It caught our attention in part because it was published right around Yom Kippur, and because of the content, which is about the reasons why he now expects that the Sunday Law will come in the Spring of 2019. Pastor Gates also included a couple of links to a recent televised series by the SDA conference pastor Arthur Branner, who arrives at the same timeframe through a study of the timelines of Daniel. This is a highly remarkable development to come from within the Adventist Church! All excitement aside, however, there is a terrible realization that accompanies their preaching at this late hour. It has to do with the oil in the virgins’ lamps. If you have your reserve oil ready, you will appreciate these insights, even at the closed door.
One of the most mysterious and challenging prophecies of the Bible is that of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. They are at once olive trees, lamp stands, and fire-breathing men. The mystery surrounding their identity is deep and difficult to probe, but with the testimony of the heavens, it is confirmed with unprecedented precision. The full revelation of the mystery can only be deciphered through the experiences of the two witnesses themselves. Join Brother Robert for a personal perspective on this fascinating journey of understanding as the many pieces of the puzzle come together to form a unified picture of these two multifaceted characters. Along the way, you will be taken back to the beginning of sin when the rebellion began among the angelic hosts. You will see the story as it is presented on the heavenly canvas, peering behind the earthly scenes to see the spiritual realities. You will face danger and uncertainty, discern the manifold effects of tragic loss, feel the sorrow of death and the hope of victorious resurrection, and be inspired with awe and wonder for the Creator’s omnipotence. Yet for all that God has done, only the wise who have oil in their lamps will understand. (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)