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Like in the year 2016 shortly before the expected return of the King of kings, we have been commissioned by Him to write a four-part series in which four authors are to have their say once again. Our 1260 days in sackcloth, since we offered the sacrifice of Philadelphia in October 2016 and asked Time to delay in behalf of sealing the 144,000, are now almost over, and only a few weeks remain before Jesus makes the proclamation in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary: “It is done!”
The world has declared war on “Corona” and does not know who brought this plague upon them, because they never lifted their heads to notice the shaking of the heavens. The concluding verse of the seventh plague therefore also says that men will blaspheme God, because until the end of time they will not understand who they were really fighting against in the last battle of “Coronageddon.”
The article entitled Time No Longer deals with the running out of time and the progressive revelation of the mystery of God, given before the angel who once descended from heaven to illuminate the earth with his glory returns whence he came.
What all this has to do with the final financial and economic crash that is already imminent will be the subject of another article, which will get to the bottom of the ambiguity of the term “silver” and will clearly elucidate why for a long time no one has been able to buy or sell without having the mark of the beast. Are you still able to buy and sell without any problems? Then consider yourself warned one last time before reaching the third hour of Revelation 18 that is still awaiting the impenitent in Babylon because the order is Reward Her Double.
“Peace and security” has been proclaimed, but nobody associated this proud claim to the Corona crisis, which now has the people terror stricken. Michael has long since stood up and is preparing to rush to the aid of His own, while the handwriting on the wall has long since been written by His hand on the canvas of heaven for the modern-day Babylonians. Hopefully you found before Shelter in the Time of Storm.
When the fourth angel of Revelation 18, who for a long time warned of the fall of the habitation of unclean birds, raises his voice to the heavenly hosts standing in the sun, inviting them to the feast of the fowls, then the people of the earth will know that the silver trumpet that Jesus holds in one hand is no longer far away. In the other hand, He holds the sickle with which He harvests the bad grapes and casts them into the winepress of the wrath of God. The hour of Babylon and The Final Harvest, about which we will report in a concluding article of the series, will then have come.
The latter rain message is coming to its conclusion. The successor of “John the Baptist” will soon have completed his work, and “Elijah” will disappear in the cloudy chariot. Elisha remains behind to finish God’s twofold work of vengeance with the final call to come out of Babylon. The 144,000 then have to stand firm without an intercessor, still turning many to righteousness who do not know how seriously God means His commandments. May you hear the compelling invitation to the wedding feast in evil times, although you would not hear it from us in better times.
The church of Philadelphia gives glory of God who is Time for His marvelous revelations. The King of kings with the many crowns returns. (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)