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Language: English and SpanishNationality: Born in Colombia, U.S. citizen and presently residing in Paraguay
I was born and raised in a Seventh-day Adventist home in Colombia where both of my parents were highly involved in church activities and always encouraged my younger sister and I to be active in participating in doing God’s work. I was privileged to have a very good example of godliness and devotion, especially in my father. His character of self-sacrificing love for the cause of sharing with others about Christ was very remarkable and has had a long-lasting influence in my life. I was baptized in the Seventh-day Adventist Church at a young age, and throughout my schooling years I was very sheltered from all the “secular” influence of the world.
My parents always had a desire to provide my sister and I with the best opportunities for a good future and a career to serve God, so when He opened the doors when I was eighteen years of age, I left my home in Colombia to live in the United States of America to learn English and ultimately pursue a teaching career. I graduated from an Adventist university and had the prospect of a good job as a Kindergarten teacher. One week after I graduated in 2004, I had an automobile accident that almost took my life. I had to have multiple surgeries to my left arm and leg and was in a wheelchair for several months and had to learn how to walk again. I recognized that God had worked out a miracle to spare my life! Little did I know the plans that God had for my life to change my heart and polish my rough edges.
A few years after I got married, my husband Ray Dickinson, who was also an Adventist, introduced me to the message we share here on this website. He was completely devoted to learning and to participating in study and decided to quit his job as a teacher to be even more involved in the ministry. Unfortunately, at that time I was not completely on board, not having recognized the importance and beauty of the message, and I made life very hard for my husband. His patient forbearance and prayer for me paid off and I finally yielded to the influence of the Holy Spirit and submitted to my husband’s desire to follow the call of God to serve full time with the talents He gave us and the resources in His ministry. We left all our friends and family members behind and came to live in Paraguay.
God needed to take us away from our kindred, as He did with Abraham when he left Ur, so that we could be taught by Him the lessons He needed to teach us about ourselves, to refine us as people, and also so that we could learn at the feet of Jesus the pure doctrines and truths that He is sharing with all who would listen to His voice. In all my experience as an Adventist, I never learned as much as I have learned since I joined this ministry. I became painfully aware of the superficiality of the church and how deeply linked with Babylon it is. Having been in the midst of it, it was hard to recognize it and even to believe it, but God is sharing certain truth about the condition of all the churches and reminding each that the Bible says that at the end of time, all His children will be gathered into one fold that upholds the truth and that identifies with His self-sacrificing character.
All those who are willing to study and to let go of long-held beliefs that are proven not to be correct or biblical are able to receive the message of God for this hour. God is just, and His wrath is kindled against all iniquity. May we each be living testimonies of what His grace is able to accomplish in our lives as we surrender to His life-changing message, whatever the cost.
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? (Matthew 16:24-26) (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)