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When searching for the Lord, one must be open to follow the way He leads. When the news of the Hunga Tonga eruption reached us, we recognized it as God’s final warning call and published the article The Father has Declared the Time as a result. We had no idea what vast amounts of light would pour into our souls in the course of the months that followed.
As events came in rapid succession and divine insight poured in, we began to share what the Lord had shown us with our Refuge members and to publish those packets of solid spiritual food in the form of PDFs on our website, under the title of Final Observations. These were our last “notes” to the left-behind.
This last writing effort has taken turns that we could never have expected. While nearing the end of our “Final Observations” and putting the last few PDFs online, we realized that God had led us on a mini trek through our own 42 stations—42 studies—like the children of Israel were led through 42 stations during their exodus from Egypt before entering Canaan. The first article about Hunga Tonga served as the trumpet blast to call the camp to order for the journey, after which followed the 42 studies. Our last study of these 42, however, contained so much information that we needed to break it into two parts, much like how the story of Israel’s last stop in the plains of Moab is described in two separate chapters: Numbers 22 and 33. Recognizing the biblical pattern, we opted to publish this two-part study as a two-part series under the title At the Jordan. This two-part series even talks a lot about the modern-day equivalent of Balaam, who was a stumbling block for Israel and whose modern-day counterpart had to be overcome by the truth. We could not have known in advance that our final journey would fulfill the biblical type so clearly!
After these 42 studies, the crowning of the message required one more article entitled Sealing the Journey that would close the message with a sevenfold seal. From then on, the land of Canaan awaits! (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)