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Kings and dignitaries in ancient times had engraved signet rings which served as their seal—comparable to one’s personal signature today. It was pressed into clay to form bullas that sealed an item or message, giving the assurance that it was from that person, or that it belonged to them.
Is it any wonder, then, that the King of kings Himself should have His own royal seal? But no signet of gold would be sufficiently grand to serve as the seal of the living God! Therefore, formed in the heavens by His own handiwork, the signet of the Son of man has appeared with unparalleled grandeur that none else could imagine. The two comets that trace it tell the story of His sacrifice and that of His people through the symbolism of the constellations through which they travel. This signet speaks of the Lord’s immovable will in the Strength of the Unicorn, of the vanquishing of His enemies with the unclean hare in the crosshairs, and the open ark of His law that is at the heart of all He—and His church body—does.
How much information can the Divine Monogram contain, is only limited by one’s understanding of the heavens and the work of our Lord to rescue His people from a world doomed to destruction, by providing an Ark of safety to escape in. One need not fear anything that may come upon the earth in the time depicted by this sign, because we can trust in the name of the Lord, whose seal is pressed even into our very hearts. (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)