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When the two moons of God’s pendulum clock strike midnight, the call is heard regarding our Bridegroom: “Go ye out to meet Him!” Do you have the character of the wise virgins? Do you have reserve oil in your vessels? Do you understand what it means to be saved by the blood of the Lamb? If Christ is in you, His gene of glory will be active in your life to bring about every needed reform by faith, and the light of your sacrificial character will shine in this time of darkness.
The Lord has shown the way to the marriage supper through the comets of His heavenly clocks. Though wickedness manifests in high places, God’s people need not fear; He is with them as they follow the procession of the Kings.
The biblical harvests of the apocalypse are drawing to their dramatic conclusion, as both sides of the war have completed their preparations and are gathering for the last great struggle. But God is with His people through the storm. They are His, and He seals them with His divine monogram, acknowledging that His character is in them. All of this is revealed by the course of the comets on God’s heavenly clocks as they blaze their way through the midnight hour, the fall of Babylon, and the arrival of the glorious city.
In seven verses of Revelation 14, a prophetic mystery is presented about a harvesting process in two phases at the end of the world. Far more than a poetic analogy of gathering the righteous like wheat into the barn or the wicked like overripe grapes bound straight for the winepress, this prophetic puzzle confirms the arrival of the blessed hope of God’s people amid troubled times when they need Him most. As it is with God’s revelation, while we can benefit from His words at any level, none could comprehend the detail and profound depth that they conceal until the time was right.
Who is it who takes a close look at the grapes of the earth, and determines that they are fit for the winepress of divine wrath? Who is it who stands larger than the earth to thrust in his giant sickle to cut them and cast them in? What is the important issue on the earth that readied God’s people for the test of this hour? Who is the angel who observed this divine harvest and determined that the virgin’s seed had borne fruit that was after the kind of Jesus, and would yield an abundant harvest?
These questions and more will be answered with divine clarity as the heavenly imagery reveals the mystery of the apocalyptic harvest.
Kings and dignitaries in ancient times had engraved signet rings which served as their seal—comparable to one’s personal signature today. It was pressed into clay to form bullas that sealed an item or message, giving the assurance that it was from that person, or that it belonged to them.
Is it any wonder, then, that the King of kings Himself should have His own royal seal? But no signet of gold would be sufficiently grand to serve as the seal of the living God! Therefore, formed in the heavens by His own handiwork, the signet of the Son of man has appeared with unparalleled grandeur that none else could imagine. The two comets that trace it tell the story of His sacrifice and that of His people through the symbolism of the constellations through which they travel. This signet speaks of the Lord’s immovable will in the Strength of the Unicorn, of the vanquishing of His enemies with the unclean hare in the crosshairs, and the open ark of His law that is at the heart of all He—and His church body—does.
How much information can the Divine Monogram contain, is only limited by one’s understanding of the heavens and the work of our Lord to rescue His people from a world doomed to destruction, by providing an Ark of safety to escape in. One need not fear anything that may come upon the earth in the time depicted by this sign, because we can trust in the name of the Lord, whose seal is pressed even into our very hearts.
A powerful and violent storm has come upon the world, so if at any time it seems to be calm, be aware that you are in the eye of the storm, and there are more fierce winds shortly ahead. Like storms form from a clash of warm air and cold, so on the earth, the conflict between Christ and Satan is being amplified to a final climax. The abomination that maketh desolate has shown its ugly face, and the world has lined up behind it in support. But God has also gathered His army, and in line with the revelation of Daniel’s two witnesses, they take their position for the Lord.
What will be the outcome of this showdown? Those who walk with the spirit and power of Elijah will demonstrate to the world who the true God is, and how He has opened the way to heaven. Will you follow the One who is the Way through the Truth to Life? He is our Deliverer from the woes of earth and from the enemy whose sinful ways have brought those woes upon the population.
The prideful greed for power and control by those who learn from Satan has resulted in even an agricultural apocalypse that demands a strategic change on the part of God’s people to achieve their best physical and spiritual condition for their service in His army in the adverse conditions present on earth. But though the enemy has gained much through his destructive ways, in the end, the Creator will restore all that was lost.
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. (Revelation 21:5-6)
When Jesus repeated those words to the seven churches, “He That Hath an Ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches,” He knew that one day, two comets would illustrate how the Spirit would speak and direct The Final Gathering of the churches into the Lord’s sheepfold, where there are humble shepherds like those who were watching their flocks when the angels gave them a sign at the Lord’s first Advent.
Today, harpers may be heard harping The Melody of God’s Law on their harps and calling to the Lord, “Thrust in Thy Sickle!” so that the good grain of God’s kingdom is separated from the tares of the kingdom of darkness, destined to be burned in the fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For the bride of Christ to arise and fulfill her role as The Church Triumphant, her King must have A Time to Reign. That time is a time when the earth is Flooded With Fire from the throne of Judgment, while God’s people are supernaturally protected.
Soon, the dead will be raised incorruptible and in unity, all the redeemed will receive their inheritance as The Tribes in Heaven, consisting of those who Escape the Darkened Kingdom, and surrendered their lives to The Faithful and True Witness. For these, the Lord says with love:
I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. (Revelation 3:8)
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